Transform Your Swing In Less Than 30 Days Or Your Money Back...

Transform Your Swing In Less Than 30 Days Or Your Money Back...

"The Perfect Solution If You Want To Maintain Lag, Prevent Casting, Train Release, Unlock Pro Tempo, Eliminate The Yips, Hole More Putts & Hit Balls For Instant Feedback, From Tee To Green I've Got A GForce Swing Trainer For You"
"I have so much confidence in my Products and PGA Instruction because of my 20 + year ongoing education and obsession with the golf swing to find answers to help golfers just like you. Now you can Feel, Instinctively learn, Quickly Adapt and Eliminate Destructive Swing Thoughts, unlocking a smoother more powerful swing in less than 30 days..! It is my privilege to serve and educate you on my life long Research, Development and Training using GForce Swing Trainers since the idea came into my head in 2015 and launching at the "2016 London Golf Show" If you feel I don't live up to my expectations in helping you achieve your golfing goals I will give you your money back :-)
Stuart Small PGA
GForce Founder & Inventor


What is it..? 

Voted Golf WRX Top 3 Training Aid 2019, used on PGA, LPGA & European Tour since 2016. Trusted by top coaches Pete Cowen, Andrew Rice, Chuck Quinton and many more PGA Coaches worldwide...

GForce Swing Trainers are unlike anything you have ever seen...or felt! Available in Driver, 7 Iron, Wedge & Putter. Designed with the highest quality materials featuring a unique Super Flexible Shaft that helps you identify and eliminate all the common swing flaws...

Be Your Own Expert

Learn how to identify faults in your own swing and how to work on them with the simple Home Training System. Tempo and Transition are the hidden secret to unlocking your swings potential and nobody is talking about it or teaching it? Why? Because you can't teach it..! it comes from within, you have to find and feel it yourself, that is why i invented GForce Swing Trainers, so you can learn to be your own expert..!

Hit Balls Flat Out..!

 Get instant feedback not only from the ball flight but the shaft also...Rushing the backswing and transition is a swing killer destroying your Tempo... Feeling the shaft over flexing reacting to the swing and seeing the ball flight, you can Quickly Adapt for a smoother Tempo and Transition. Finally you can eliminate all the destructive swing thoughts and feel your way to a more powerful and effortless swing...


Designed with everybody in mind!

Starting out or just looking to get better it doesn't matter, the principles are the same for everyone Beginner To Pro...My name is Stuart Small founder and inventor, I am an expert PGA coach and have all the resources to share with you. I have continuously researched and educated myself on the golf swing for over 20 years to bring you the most accurate up to date information on the planet and the tools to help you get the job done...

Nobody on the planet is more obsessed about the golf swing than me. Why? because I was ready to quit! Back in 2000 I was frustrated with my game and the lack of training aids and education available on the market, this took me on a 20 + year learning journey to find answers so I could become a better player and coach and along the way it inspired me to develop the GForce Swing Trainers...
When I passed my PGA exams in 2000 I was excited to start teaching and make a good living. I will never forget my first one to one lesson because it was the worst experience of my life... I soon realised having gone through the training, what i had learned was not enough to prepare me for a career in coaching so i went in search for more answers...
 For years I had dismissed the physics, science and biomechanics books because they looked complicated. Little did I know the answers to the golf swing lay inside these books and not in books of the highly marketed swing gurus... Now armed with an understanding of the physics and mechanics of the golf swing, this would later lead me to developing the GForce Swing Trainers to help golfers self teach and feel their way to a pure powerful swing...
Looking back i am unbelievably happy i did not give up and it is now my mission to help other coaches and golfers so they can fast track their learning using all of my resources I built up over 20 years...I never dreamed I would be where i am today running a successful golf business inventing and developing products and bringing them to market... 
Posing for the camera, all the hard work paid off practicing in Sutton Park, I would spend hours there hitting balls with my dodgy grip, yes I am right handed but I had a left hand grip when I started...It just felt natural and It didn't matter because I had a perfect pivot from my body. That is why I could hit the ball so solid and long for a young kid...


What's The Secret Behind The Super Flexible Shaft..? #Science

I like to use the Ball On A String Analogy to make sense of how it is possible to hit a ball with a super flexible shaft. You need to create tension through the shaft from a good sound pivot...

 Learn To Identify & Correct Common Swing Flaws On Your Own..!


 Rushing the Takeaway is a Tempo killer..! Tempo is what glues the swing mechanics together to give your swing Rhythm. Consistent Tempo is only possible if you Pivot your body correctly...Your Tempo ratio should be 3:1 for full shots2:1 for short shots.

Here are the 4 Tour Tempos which i discovered in the Tour Tempo book by John Novosel...Try all of them to find the Tempo to suit your swing, you can work on Tempo by grabbing a free music tempo app online and set it to beep so you can dial in your natural tempo... 

Bryson Dechambeau 18/6

Fast 21/7 

Medium 24/8

Slow 27/9

The Transition will make or break your swing..! Its the secret to Shallowing The Downswing so you can deliver the club to the ball from the inside just like the Pros. Get it wrong and you will swing Over The TopCasting the club diminishing all your club head speed before you arrive at the ball. This killer move causes your body rotation to stall so you get in the way of yourself causing the dreaded Chicken Wing, fat and thin shots with no compression...if you do hit a good shot you are lucky and i would bet you are inconsistent from shot to shot, Sound Familiar..? GForce Swing Trainers help you smooth out the transition so you can shallow your downswing and approach the ball from the powerful inside route just like the Pros..!



GForce Home Training System...

30 Day Challenge..! 


Work On These 9 Steps Every Day For 15 Minutes...You can have great swing mechanics but if you don't have a smooth Takeaway, Tempo, Rhythm and Transition to go with it you will never strike the ball solid or create speed and consistency..!

1. Posture

Posture is the solid foundation for your pivot. Pick up a slam ball or something heavy, film yourself and see how you naturally balance to support the weight of the ball. Now Swing back and through continuously half back and half through to naturally balance and set up with perfect posture. if you wobble to begin with don't worry keep going until you instinctively balance. Now you have a perfect human pendulum. This is an amazing drill for improving your pivot which I will mention next..! 


2. Pivot & Tilts

This is the most important part of your swing, without it you won't generate power, and contact will be frustratingly bad from shot to shot, you will never be able to control your low point, distance or have an idea where your ball will end up...The pivot is responsible for your power and consistency of strike..! 


3. Grip

There is no right or wrong grip, just look on tour at the money makers! All doing the same great pivot and tempo with various grip styles. Interlocking, overlapping, strong, weak. I will give you a guide of what to look for and then you need to tweak it for the desired ball flight you are looking for...


 4. Takeaway

Keep your pelvis centred and move the club back as one piece, hands, arms, club and body. Left shoulder turns down towards the ground and the back of your left wrist should be flat half way back... If you do it correctly the shaft wont flex too much and you will achieve a wide takeaway which is key for speed..! If you get quick or whip it inside it will bend too much. Keep repeating until you get it right... 


 5. Backswing

Turn your shoulders at a steep angle in relation to the ground not level, this maintains your spine angle and raises your arms up into the correct position. Your wrist will cock naturally with the weight of the club head so don't consciously do it. You need to feel your pelvis moving forward towards the target and your spine tilting towards the target. Setting you up for the transition...  


 6. Transition

With your pelvis now 1 - 2 inches forward of the original starting position and your spine tilted 5-10 degrees towards the target you are ready to start down. Try to make a Smooth transition to keep tension in the shaft by pulling the grip towards the ball, you body will respond to this and start rotating out of the way... 



 7. Downswing 

Keep your wrists soft as you pull on the grip to maintain the lag, don't lock or try and hold your wrists in position. Allow the natural forces from the swing to uncock your wrists for a consistent release. Your spine will start backing up to its original starting position in response to the weight shift, this creates a slingshot action giving you more speed..!



 8. Impact

This is the most important part, get everything above right and you arrive here...I can't stress enough the importance of having your weight on your left side (pelvis forward of original starting position) before starting down which will help you achieve this position and your shoulders should turn on an angle not level. If you don't have your weight in place or shoulders turning at the correct angle you will come over the top, casting the club, hitting it fat and thin with no compression..!


 9. Finish

The momentum from the swing will pull you trough into a balanced finish position which you should hold for 5 seconds... 



Don't Try This..!

The Kid Who Modeled Faldo's Swing...

We all know and see golfers with pretty looking swings constantly checking every single position looking for perfection, then after they have gone through their long list of checkpoints they proceed executing terrible shot after shot...Sound familiar..? 


I will never forget playing junior tournaments and seeing this guy turn up looking a spitting image of Faldo, hair style, pringle sweater, blue and white mizuno bag, mizuno blades, persimmon woods, wilson TPA putter even down to the trouser twitch when setting up to the ball. But I have never seen somebody hit the ball like a fairy as this guy did, he modeled himself so much on faldo's swing mechanics which looked pretty good to be fair to him, but for some reason it didn't work? why was this? he was so wrapped up in the technicalities and mechanics his swing completely lacked any Rhythm and Tempo...


Tempo and Rhythm is what gels the swing together...! give me a crazy looking swing all day long with good Tempo and Rhythm and I will crush the ball over and over again! You can't copy somebody else's swing, it's like trying to be somebody your not. Imaging trying to act like somebody else for the day it would be physically and mentally draining and would take a tremendous amount of effort. You need to find your own natural swing and natural Tempo to play your best! This is where i can help you...


Tour Players In Transition With GForce...

Looks Like A Normal Shaft...That's The Secret..!

Rory McIlroy | PGA Tour



Danny Willett | PGA Tour


Minjee Lee | LPGA Tour


What Does Tempo Unlock In Your Swing.?


This is the flow of your swing, again like music there is a beat which is the tempo and rhythm is the flow of the music. You can’t have rhythm without tempo, the rhythm is the smooth flow of your swing which you see the best ball strikers doing so well... 



This is the angle created between your left arm and club shaft. It acts like a lever and stores energy until midway into the downswing. You will increase your lag angle when shifting your weight to your left side, if you dont you will cast it in transition..!


This is the point of the end of the backswing and beginning of the downswing. It’s the most important part to get right and the difference between coming over the top and coming down inside. It needs to be executed smoothly and it’s super important to have your weight shifted onto your left side before you transition..!


This is the point around half way down where the lag angle between the left arm and club shaft straightens out. It needs to happen naturally and should never be held onto or on the other hand be released to early from the start of the downswing, these are the 2 killer moves I see on the release. Letting it happen naturally creates a tremendous increase in club head speed and naturally squares the club face with no manipulation required from you... 


This is the transfer of energy from ground to body to club. It’s scientific name is kinematic sequence and you know when you have sequenced correctly because everything felt effortless and easy, almost as if the club was doing all the work and not you. It’s a great feeling when you are in this zone and is a trait of a good player or any athlete using the energy they build up to propel an object. Poor sequencing or a break down in the chain reaction causes compensations to make up, this often takes more effort with poor results...  


This is a by product of doing everything I have explained above. Which you can only achieve using GForce Swing Trainers, you can have great mechanics but you need Tempo and Rhythm to go with it! The End...

 Training & Support...

Subscribe to my YouTube channel to keep up to date with the latest training videos. Not only will you get videos on using the swing trainers with specific drills and practice routines, I will also take you through the swing technique with my 20 plus years coaching experience and research using the latest 3d analysis by Gears Golf... 


 If you have any questions you can contact me at and i will personally reply within 24 hours... good luck ;-)

stuart - All Rights Reserved | Copyright 2022